Written by: Mohammed Al-Issa
Family members usually compete to attract the affection , catch attention and collect riches , but what we witnessed was the complete opposite as family members were competing to lend a helping hand ,build hospitals, health centers and directly supporting families in need such are the characteristics of Al-Jaber family which demands all the respect and admiration for their hard work and dedication , such heritage is an honor to anyone that belongs to it where family members spare no expense in making sure that the citizens of their countries live a generous and fruitful life.
The high standards that this generous family sets is led by a man defined through his fine heritage, kind spirit and superior class Al-Sheikh Abed Al-Latif Ben Hamad Al-Jaber , who was awarded the global peace and prosperity trophy for his great achievements in charity and helping all the groups of his nation especially with his huge donation of establishing the Hamad Ben Abed Al-Latif Al-jaber center (may GOD have mercy on him)in the Ahsaa region that costs seventy million SR, which specializes in treating tumors through chemotherapy and radiotherapy , in addition to participating in many social events aimed at improving education when he visited Hamad Al-Jaber educational compound and offering all the students there free laptops which total to 222 student to encourage them on studying harder and pursue a brighter future.
The Ahsaa region which was the hometown of this respected and admired family was full of mountains that produced fountains which burst after every winter to wipe away the pain and suffering birthed by time to anyone who went past it , which is great example of this great family’s achievements , they contributed in hundreds of projects and to mention a few of them , Noura and Hamad Al-Jaber educational compounds , Al-Jaber eyes ears and throat hospital , Cancer treatment center, the housing project that consists of 234 housing unit given with affordable loans , Al-Ahsaa literature club, Al-Jaber Kidney center , autism center , Al-Jaber hall for people with limited income , Demam prosthetics center , in addition to their many generous donations for building mosques and contributing in releasing some prisoners on good will and many more of which we don’t know about and was kept a secret or is yet to be announced .
Allah (SWT) has enriched them with his love for he has planted mercy and generosity in their hearts, they were the first to initiate supporting all crucial life domains from social to educational to health and housing ,exceeding hundreds of millions from their own money and own wealth without the flashes of the camera and the noise of the media ,because they are requesting the contentment of Allah (SWT) not the contentment of people around them , because the real appreciation is that of Allah (SWT) when we all stand waiting on his final judgment when no money nor children will benefit you only your good deeds and kind acts , and we are main witnesses of these acts of kindness of this great family, which we ask Allah (SWT) to award them exponentially on their generous and respected work .