Written by: Mohammed Al-Issa
It is not necessary to be of Saudi origin or to live in it in order to belong to it. It is enough to carry the love of this country wherever you go, and to reflect that love in your actions and feelings, until you imagine that it is attached to you as the soul is attached to the body, and this is what the previous player of Al-Nasr and Al-Qadisiya and Al-Fateh team Elton Jose showed us a few days ago, as he established the Elton Academy in northern Brazil, and the various social media sites were buzzing with these beautiful news, which carried with it the great loyalty of this authentic and honest player towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Several videos have spread showing us how this young man was affected by the country that embraced his talents for several years, as he placed two model sculptures in front of his outdoor garden, which are the emblem of the two swords and the palm tree, and the other is a huge model sculpture of the Yabrok camel made of iron pieces only.
As for its academy, it is of an authentic Saudi character, with Saudi sportswear for trainees and workers alike, and green outer walls with the inscription “Saudi Arabia”, and a logo similar to the two swords and the palm tree. As for the education of the affiliates of the Saudi national anthem, it is the pinnacle of pride and authenticity that any nation in this world is looking for.
Thousands of Saudis expressed their deep feelings towards this loyal and faithful player, who has become somewhat of a rare breed, and offered their sincerest regards to him and to the beauty of his way of giving back to Saudi Arabia and the loving Saudi people.
Saudi Arabia Through The Eyes of Loyalty