We have always been attracted by the luxurious life of businessmen. However, some of them have exceeded the limits of reason and logic in that, especially when it comes to things that have no value to us, but are considered very valuable to them.
What made the millionaire businessman known as Abu Sabah al-Hindi famous, especially on social media, was buying a phone line worth 4 million and 520 thousand dirhams and a car plate with a distinctive number for 33 million dirhams. However, the dimensions of this extravagance had a reasonable and logical justification after we had followed up his numerous interviews, as he pays these amounts in auctions whose proceeds go to charitable institutions. Therefore, he does not care about what he spent because he hit two birds with one stone by supporting these institutions with huge amounts of money on one hand, and satisfying his hobby of collecting distinguished numbers on the other hand.
The businessman started his way since the age of fifteen when he engaged in working with his father in the interest of spare parts and he liked to work a lot. Then, he soon started his own real estate projects which generated money for him many times his capital, as he considers that the safest work to be done is investing in real estate. Moreover, he still refuses to enter into other options up till now because of all what he earned from the real estate which was considered good for him.
He was raised in the care of the sisterly State of Kuwait, and he spread his projects along the area of Dubai after he had collected a sum of money from his previous work. He is a man of Indian origin whose family immigrated two generations ago to Kuwait and settled there. It is also believed that Dubai is the safest country in the world in terms of living and protection of investments.
He spends most of his time traveling to our beloved Kuwait in order to mingle with family, relatives and friends. He is a person loved by everyone and he has a simple, spontaneous, and taciturn personality except in important matters. That is what we noticed through his interviews where he almost answers the question with no more than a line or two. As for his relationship with his employees, he is like a brother to every worker he has as long as the respect is kept mutual and within the conditions. In addition, he is still familiar with the affairs of his former employees, where he reassure about them and about their conditions even after a long absence, because he is a loyal man who does not forget the effort made by any worker in his companies stretching between Kuwait, India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America.
He owns RSG International which is a giant investment company for property management and real estate. As for his real estate business, it is known about him that he delivers any project on time where he even delivered the Al-Sabah Palace project in a meticulously perfect manner three months ahead of schedule. Abu Sabah considers that his meticulous work and honesty in completing deals is what made for him publicity and advertisement in the market without resorting to companies specialized in this matter.